“There is no recovery without housing,” please support hospitals and mental health agencies efforts to protest the provincial government’s decision to allocate just 0.4% of the Province’s budget of $202 million dollars for housing in Ottawa

While it’s absurd that we have been reduced to have to advocate for fair provincial housing allocations to address homelessness in Ottawa, let’s join with the Alliance to End Homelessness Ottawa campaign and their efforts to mobilize the community.

As Dusko Miljevic, social worker with the Mood and Anxiety program at the Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre said to a small group of us discussing the situation recently, “there is no recovery without housing.”

The reality is housing is a key Social Determent of Health, for any hope of our health care system and organizations ever gaining more efficiency, much less hope for progress for a person’s recovery pathway.

#OttawaNeedsMore Campaign

We need your help. 

“…Ottawa will be receiving a mere $845,000 increase, or just 0.4% of the Province’s budget commitment of $202 million dollars. Toronto will be receiving 60 times as much increased funding as Ottawa. Yet, we are the second largest city in Ontario. …”

One thought on ““There is no recovery without housing,” please support hospitals and mental health agencies efforts to protest the provincial government’s decision to allocate just 0.4% of the Province’s budget of $202 million dollars for housing in Ottawa

  1. Some good news people! from CBC news
    Cheers, Bill Dare

    “New funding lets City of Ottawa shore up homelessness shortfall

    City has been lobbying province since getting just $840K in funding top-up

    Kate Porter, Elyse Skura · CBC News · Posted: May 24, 2023 11:39 AM EDT | Last Updated: 13 minutes ago
    Homeless person with dog on Toronto streets in winter.
    The City of Ottawa had pushed back when it heard it would be allocated just 0.4 per cent, or $845,100 annually, of the province’s new homelessness funding program. (Michael Charles Cole/CBC)
    The City of Ottawa has learned it will receive more than $24 million in provincial funding for an Ottawa Community Housing project, helping staff fill a surprise shortfall in its budget for tackling homelessness.

    The mayor and city council expressed dismay last month after learning Ottawa would receive only $845,100 of the $190.5 million in new money for homelessness under the Homelessness Prevention Program — a paltry 0.4 per cent increase that’s far below money given to other municipalities, especially in northeastern Ontario.

    It was also far less than city staff had expected.

    Ottawa shortchanged by province’s new homelessness plan, councillors say
    More than a month later, after the mayor had several talks with Ontario Premier Doug Ford and other provincial officials, a solution: a contribution for an Ottawa Community Housing project at Wateridge Village that the City of Ottawa had pledged to spend millions on.

    “Normally we would get somewhere in the range of $16 to 18 million and this is more than that, so I think it shows commitment on the part of the province,” Sutcliffe told CBC.

    “We’re grateful for the fact that they found a solution and that we have some more resources now that we can put to good use in addressing homelessness in our community.”

    see the rest of the article here: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/city-ottawa-increase-homelessness-prevention-program-1.6852471

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