Call to join a survey, “exploring supervision practices and impact within human service organizations in Ontario”

For me, this is a critical and helpful piece for effective care, both for ourselves, our organizations and the clients we work with.

From Karen Sewell Principal Investigator

Study Info:

We are currently recruiting participants for our Supervision Study entitled, Examining Workplace-based Supervision to Strengthen Social Services. The purpose of the study is to examine supervision practices and the impact of supervision in human service organizations in Ontario. The aim is to generate knowledge that can influence policy and practice. We are recruiting frontline practitioners/ direct care providers, supervisors, coordinators, managers, leaders (i.e., directors, executive directors, CEOs) in human services in Ontario.

Participants will be asked to complete an electronic survey which will take approximately 10-20 minutes. We will ask them about their position, experiences of supervision, and opinions about the impact of supervision, including wellbeing.

Survey poster is here Supervision Study Poster.pdf

Click here to complete the survey:….m/SV_9SjzWHYnt0kIplc

This research has been cleared by Carleton University Research Ethics Board-A (Clearance #116100). Should you have questions or concerns related to your involvement in this research, please contact the CUREA Board at

If you have any questions about the research please contact Karen Sewell Principal Investigator at

Literature informing the study…StudyInfographic.pdf


A resource for strength based interventions

The British, Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) provides a set of training resources that take a community focused and care system wide approach at: individual and organizational levels with potential policy impacts if deployed well. Refreshingly, it incorporates but moves beyond the individual clinician.

A strengths-based approach…

… a simple phrase that has different meanings for different people but an approach
that when done right, opens up many possibilities.

A strengths-based approach can be used in any intervention, in any setting, with
any client group, including carers, and by any social or health care member of staff.

stength 2PNG

Please go to the site, here:,7F1K9,UW4G3,U4NGB,1

“…learning does not fall from the sky or emanate from the professor: it is crafted as the student becomes aware of both the complexity of the issues and the potential of individuals”

School of Social Work’s- University of Ottawa, Neree St-Amand speaks about how he advances professional training to be embedded in community practice through the Michaëlle Jean Centre for Global and Community Engagement  supporting students/learners to “… say what they dare not say in class.”

… “It changes people, that’s what it does. I realized that the best way for me to understand people is by reading the journals– in them, (the students) can say what they dare not say in class. It still affects me. (…) And afterwards, what kind of society does it create? A society that thinks about poverty, the environment, social inequality, racial inequality, et cetera.”

Nérée St-Amand text books in front of a billboard

See the article here

“respect, accomplishment, achievement” – for action, learning, knowledge sharing with ICT

A re-post from Stephen Downes’ enewsletter, , sorry, I can’t find his reference, from the reference.  I found listening to this talk useful as the panel is discussing use of ICT amongst – thinking, our individual character, and I dare say, the sociological context.



Presentation itself is from:


Social Work Wellness and the Notion of Collective Care – “how individuals, teams, institutions and professions are responding to these pressures using individual and collective strategies”

From Maggie Lodge -coordinator of field supervision for the School of Social Work at CarletonTo thank you for your hard work…


Friday May 6th, 2016 8:45 am – 1:00 pm, Room 2017 Dunton Tower, Carleton University

Social Work Wellness and the Notion of Collective Care

Two panel discussions will explore: the current pressure points arising in social work and human service organizations today and how individuals, teams, institutions and professions are responding to these pressures using individual and collective strategies.


Vicki Bowman, Student Support Case Manager, Carleton University

Eric Lapierre, Mentorship Coordinator, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Ottawa

Michel Poirier, CHEO Social Worker, YouthNet and Youth Mental Health Transitions

Amanda Rocheleau, Founder of Compassion Fatigue Therapy

Cecilia Taiana, Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Carleton University

MSW and BSW students, student perspectives


Please RSVP by April 29th (email All day parking is available at the following lots: Lots 5, 6, 7, & 10

The Social Workers and Social Service Workers Professional Development Fund, two year pilot

The fund will reimburse up to $300.00 of training costs on a first come basis (limited). Please see the Fund site for details/criteria here:

The Social Workers and Social Service Workers Professional Development Fund (The Fund) provides funding for educational opportunities to social workers and social service workers who are registered and in good standing1 with the Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (the College).

Webinar on continuous learning in organizations

Post from Social Work Research Network

“we will discuss what a culture of continuous learning is, and what research has shown to facilitate or impede the creation of this culture”

Perform Well Webinar – Develop a Culture of Continuous Learning in Your Organization
October 20, 2015, 3:00-4:30 PM EDT
Every organization has a culture that includes its philosophies for interacting with the people they serve. These philosophies reflect an understanding of what they are doing well and what they can improve upon. An organization’s ability to demonstrate impact, and to deliver the outcomes that they set out to achieve, is what defines them. This webinar will review several ways to ensure that continuous learning becomes part of your organization’s culture. Click here for more information.

Article – Is The MSW The New MBA?

Beverlee McIntosh shares this article on the relevance of our social work knowledge in the corporate world

Recent corporate failures demonstrate the need for the very skills that
social workers bring. Now a few schools are recognizing this and offering
joint tracks that merge the interests of businesses and the communities they
work in.

Social Work at the Intersection of Ideas, Languages and Cultures, June 1-4, 2015, @ the U of O,… call for proposals

National CASWE-ACFTS Conference

June 1st to 4th, 2015 at the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario


Social Work at the Intersection of Ideas, Languages and Cultures /
Le travail social à la croisée des idées, des langues et des cultures


Call for Proposals:  Proposals must be submitted before January 19, 2015.


Special Call for Proposals:  Seminar with the Committee on Francophone Social Work in Linguistic Minority Contexts “Between Specificity and Diversity:  Focus on Research and Intervention in Francophone Minority Contexts”. – deadline:  January 19, 2015


Special Call for Proposals:  1st Annual Symposium for TC-ISWEN – Theme “Hands Back, Hands Forward”
Email your proposal by March 2nd, 2015 to Shelly Johnson with the words “TC-ISWEN Call for Papers in the subject line”.

Outstanding Student Proposals for Presentations Competition – New this year! – deadline:  January 15, 2015

Call for Proposals for Interdisciplinary Sessions:

Call for Reviewers to evaluate proposals for the CASWE-ACFTS Conference 2015